Thursday, July 18, 2013

Janee Hartman Photography

Janee Hartman is an artist from Chicago who specializes in photographing unique and poignant landscapes.  She shoots both natural and built environments.  Her work is inspiring because she documents specific places in a rapidly changing world.  Some of the landscapes she documents looked very different 10 years ago and are continuing to change with great celerity.  Her work is also important because it shares a view of the natural world that many people haven't experienced.  I've noticed that people rarely support causes which are unfamiliar to them.  Not everyone has had the opportunity to hike in some of the parks and forests that Janee documents, but support for conservation is critical for the preservation of many of these locations.  Janee's work gives you a static window into a dynamic world.

She created the following two images in the Smoky Mountain National Park.

The next two images were taken at the Savannah National Wildlife Reguge near Savannah, Georgia.  This unique habitat is especially important for migratory birds.  As humans develop landscapes, migratory birds lose critical resting spots for their southern winter and northern summer migrations.  Migratory birds' reproductive cycles match their migratory patterns.  Without resting grounds, they can neither migrate nor reproduce.

These images were taken in the agrarian landscape of Galena, Illinois.  Janee says that she doesn't select the places that she shoots because her best images happen when she stumbles upon an inspiring location.

In contrast to her bucolic images, she also specializes in documenting architecture.  Her architectural pictures capture landscapes which also change very suddenly, and preserve the spirit of these places.

Visit Janee's website to view more of her talent or to contact her.  She sells prints of her images and is available for free lancing.

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